Swingers Crazy Golf

Behind the maze of roads next to The Gherkin, St. Helen’s skyscraper in the City of London, Swingers City is tucked away. Step into the unassuming doorway, past security and down the stairs into this basement venue. It’s a interesting recreation of a quintessential 1920s English country golf club.

Swingers City has two crazy golf courses, The Lighthouse and The Windmill featuring 9 holes across interesting obstacles, including sand, loops and bridges.

Depending on whether you choose to eat before or after playing, you will not be limited in choice. Swingers City has lots of well known street food outlets serving up delicious grub. The selection includes Patty &Bun, Pizza Pilgrims and DF Mexico (stalls vary from time to time). There is limited seating, on picnic bench style seats which you can wait at while your food is being prepared. Your order number will flash up when your food is ready. Food is served in true street food style, either in the wrappers, boxes or on paper plates.

When we were ready to play, we went to the course entrance where the host provided us with our equipment and talked us through the rules. You get given golf clubs, a golf ball and a scorecard plus pencil. The rules are simple: start at hole one, follow the course map, no more than six shots per hole, and have fun!

One of the best things about the courses is that you can take drinks along with you on the course, and there are wonderful course bar-tenders who will take your order while you’re playing.

Each course probably takes about 40 minutes to get through, depending on how adept you are at golf. We took re-tries on a few holes to improve our scores, as there is a bit of a wait for the groups ahead to finish their turns.

Tickets are available online or walk-ins (it may be worth advance booking if you’re looking for a particular slot) and range from £10–15 pp based on peak times.